Affordable Housing

Articles designed to answer Affordable Housing questions


LIHTCRenewable Energy

Update: 45L Tax Credit Extension

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 provided taxpayers with a tax credit for new or largely reconstructed homes that meet the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home (ZERH) requirements by amending Internal Revenue Code Section 45L. This legislation included a ten-year extension of the 45L Energy Efficiency Home Credit and nearly $370 billion in provisions…
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RAD for PRAC overview

RAD for PRAC Offers Solutions for Aging Section 202 Properties By Andrew Gantzer, CPA, and Justin Heberling, CPA, HCCP A recent HUD evaluation of the federal Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) shows that the program is achieving its goal of preserving public housing and improving the conditions of distressed public housing. Since enacted through Congress in 2012,…
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How to Support Timely Delivery of First Year Credits

By Lee Dodson, CPA, and Jeremy Densmore, CPA, HCCP Timely delivery of first-year credits benefits developers, syndicators and investors in a Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) development. The project itself also benefits because additional equity may be contributed, which means additional funds are available to get the project off to a good start. In…
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Cost Segregation Studies Offer Renewed Value Under New Tax Rules

By Ashley Northcutt and Chris Thomas New IRS rules on the 100% bonus deprecation deduction may expand the benefits of cost segregation studies. This month, the IRS issued two sets of regulations under IRS Section 168(k) – final and proposed – that clarify qualifying property. The final regulations explain the “increase of the benefit and…
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HUD financing in LIHTC deals and in Opportunity Zones

By Damien Cassell, CPA and Morgan E. Mahaffey, JD The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) continues to make it easier for developers and owners to use loan programs for LIHTC and Opportunity Zone projects. With announcements this year that promise easier facilitation and closing of FHA loans as well as incentives to…
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General Contractors: Don’t Get Blindsided By Cost Certification Requirements

By: Kevin E. Allmandinger, CPA and Bart W. Parry, CPA With heightened accountability and state agencies increasing oversight in an effort to mitigate fraud risk, General Contractor Cost Certifications (GCCCs) for low-income housing projects are becoming increasingly important. General contractors must contend with inaccurate or incomplete accounting records, unpleasant and avoidable fire drills, and extra…
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State Tax Credits: Transferable or Non-Transferable

By: Joel T. McDowell, CPA, Quinn Gormley and Morgan E. Mahaffey, JD Many states have enacted tax incentives similar to the Federal General Business Credits[1]or the Low Income Housing Tax Credit. Specifics differ between states, but generally these “State Tax Credits” can be classified either as transferable or allocated tax credits. Transferable credits bifurcate the benefits of the…
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Income Averaging: Know the Elephant in The Room

By: Jeremy Densmore While a number of state agencies are starting to adopt Income Averaging (IA)[1] policies, there is still speculation on what the future IRS guidance will be. Recent industry articles have provided some speculative insight outlining common approaches for interpreting the IA amendment to the code. However, in the midst of all the…
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HUD Designates QCTs and DDAs for 2019

By: Quinn Gormley On October 22nd HUD announced via Federal Register Vol. 83 No. 204, designated Qualified Census Tracts (QCTs) and Difficult to Develop Areas (DDAs) for 2019.  The QCT and DDA is an important means for many of these areas in the production of affordable housing under the Housing Tax Credit Program (IRC §42), especially…
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Income Averaging: Handling a Double-edged Sword

Tidwell Group has issued a follow-up to this article and can be found by clicking this link. “Income averaging (IA)” is the new kid on the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) block. However, while the new IA rules appear simple, they simply are not. The Consolidation Appropriations Act of 2018 ushered IA into the…
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A New Opportunity to Defer Capital Gains Tax Is Here

BY QUINN GORMLEY AND TODD FENTRESS A new Opportunity Zone program to encourage investment in low-income community business was included in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. New rules in the code[1] allows taxpayers to defer capital gains on the sale of stock, business assets, or any property (whether or not the asset sold…
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Running on Empty: The Affordable Housing Crisis

Being homeless was never part of John’s life plan.  But in a world where 58,000 veterans are homeless and an additional 1.4 million veterans are at risk of homelessness, his experience with affordable housing is not unique. Tidwell Group wanted to better understand the situation that so many people like John find themselves in, so…
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Developers: Preserve Scattered Site Housing Successfully

There is a stark upward trend in the aging of affordable housing properties and it does not appear to be tapering anytime soon. In fact, aging housing inventory is on the rise and has continued to increase year-over-year with a peak expected in the year 2024. This trend provides opportunities for affordable housing developers. Tidwell…
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Keeping Tax Credits Afloat After Natural Disasters

Hurricanes Maria, Harvey, and Irma took lives and pummeled the economies of the affected areas. The impact of these natural disasters could extend to Low Income Housing Credit (LIHTC) projects if the proper measures are not taken within a specified time to ensure that projects meet development benchmarks or if affordable housing properties that are…
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How much can Section 45L save you?

You may be eligible for hundreds of thousands in tax credits. In addition to low-income and historic tax credits, many developers are finding out the Section 45L (energy efficiency) tax credits can save hundreds of thousands, even millions, on new residential and mixed-use projects. Case Study: A client recently completed an apartment complex renovation project…
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